Welcome Night


Thurs 22nd Feb 6pm CB11.B2.104

Event information

This event has passed.

This is our welcome event to all club members, new and old, divers and snorkellers and any other underwater fans. It'll be a great way to meet some of our committee members and trip leaders and some of our awesome divers 🤿. We'll also be breaking out some amazing footage from our previous events to show you what is going to be in stock for you in the coming months. If you have any friends who want to come along they're more than welcome, the more the merrier. We'll also be having our Annual General Meeting at the end of the night.

It's free to register, there will be food provided. Make sure you do register so we can order enough food for everyone!

If you have any further questions about this event, or club membership in general contact Dean at treasurer@douts.org, or better yet hit us up on our facebook page.
