This event has passed.
Please join us for a night dive at Clifton Gardens, also known as Chowder Bay.
This site really goes off at night with many cephlapods including stripey pyjama squid, bobtail squid and blue lined octopus coming out to play. You're also likely to interact with gloomy octopus, find striate anglers (frog fish), mourning cuttlefish, seahorses, nudi's and might even be visited by one of the large resident smooth rays.
This site is diveable in most conditions and is suitable for any qualifiction level however you MUST HAVE A TORCH!
7pm meet in the Clifton Gardens car park for 7:30pm ITW. The carpark is metered from 8am-8pm.
Standard Gear hire: available at normal prices. Wetsuits/Masks/ Snorkel will need to be arranged separately.
For further information, contact Lesley at