President: Samantha Murphy |
Email: |
It is the duty of the President to:
- Submit a report, on behalf of the Committee, on the conduct of the affairs of the Association at the Annual General Meeting.
- Be the Chairperson and preside at all meetings at which he/she is present.
- Represent the Association in contact with other organizations.
- Be responsible for fostering the interest and direction of the Association.
- Oversee the activities of other Committee members.
Safety Officer & Vice President: Gerard Lang |
Email: |
The duty of the Safety Officer is to:
- Assist the President.
- Assist and provide direction to events organisers and coordinator
- Act as Association Safety Officer.
- Report on matters of diving and club safety within the Association.
- Keep records of safety incidents.
It is the duty of the vice president to:
- Assist and support the President in all his/her roles and work concurrently to ensure the responsibilities of the roles are met.
- Have knowledge of how the club runs and what needs to be done.
- Be an enthusiastic member who is keen to get involved.
Good communications skills, the ability to delegate and enthusiasm for the running of the club are the essentials for this position.
Treasurer: Dean Thill |
Email: |
It is the duty of the Treasurer of the Association to ensure that:
- All money due to the DOUTS is collected and received and that all payments authorized by the committee are made.
- Correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the DOUTS including full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities and statement of accounts to each regular meeting of the Committee.
- All monies of the Association are deposited in the Association's bank account;
- Pay accounts as directed by the Committee;
Secretary: Lachlan Wright |
Email: |
Picture to be added. |
It is the duty of the Secretary to keep minutes of:
- All appointments of office-bearers and members of the Committee;
- Records the names of members of the Committee present at a Committee meeting or a General Meeting; and all proceedings at Committee meetings and General Meetings;
- Conduct all correspondence.
- Keep a register of all members.
Communications Officer: Kate Egan |
Email: |
Picture to be added. |
Responsible for content that is published by DOUTS.
eg Facebook page, Club Website, UTS Sport website.
Also responsible for communicating club activities and events to UTS Sports Manager. |
Equipment & Assets Officer: Rob Laird |
Email: |
Responsible for the assets and equipment of DOUTS. Including matters pertaining to the use of the boat, skipper training, relationship with local dive centers, club ute, and hire gear. |
Events Coordinator: Lesley Spencer |
Email: ( |
Responsible for the overall activities for DOUTS, coordinating the club calendar and providing direction for future events.
Please reach out if you would like to go somewhere particular or show us your local dive spot!
Student Liaison: Grichton |
Email: |
Picture to be added. |
It is the duty of the Student Liaison of the Association to ensure:
- The committee is aware of student perspectives
- The committee is up to date on student activities
- There is an increase student recruitment and retention and
- Bring recommendations to the committee to achieve this in an economical way in combination with communications to ensure that DOUTS is known at UTS
- Represent DOUTS on campus by providing co-ordination with student calendars, on campus promotions and clear the campus mail box.
- Coordinate O'Day stalls and direct student enquiries.
Webmaster: Adam van Zuylen |
Email: |
It is the duty of the DOUTS webmaster to maintain:
- DOUTS Website
- DOUTS Email Servers
- DOUTS Google Admin Center
- DOUTS Digital Security